The LDPartEditor is the platform independent CAD tool for LDraw™ parts.
Minimum System Requirements:
- OpenGL 2.1 compatible Graphics Card
- Operating System (64-bit): Windows [7 or newer], Mac OS X [>=10.6], Linux [e.g. Ubuntu Linux >=14.4]
- CPU: Multicore-Processor e.g. Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon II (>2.0Ghz)
- RAM: 4 GB
- Video-Memory: 1 GB
- Free Disk Space: 150 MB
Recommended Requirements:
- OpenGL 3.3 compatible Graphics Card
- Operating System (64-bit): Windows 7,8,10,11, Mac OS X [>=10.6], Linux [e.g. Ubuntu Linux >=14.4]
- CPU: Multicore-Processor with 4 cores (or more)
- RAM: >4 GB
- Video-Memory: >1 GB
- Free Disk Space: 500 MB